Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Room for Expansion

I believe long ago I wrote about the universe speaking to me, telling me I needed to expand. I have been contemplating this and today came to understand an aspect of this message.

I have often mentioned that I have been blessed with skills and capabilities that have brought me to a point in life where I am comfortable in both material and emotional comforts. I am in a position that not many people (percentage wise) in the world can get to. Given where I am at, I have the freedom to make choices others don't.

Looking at things that way, I realize that I have several directions to head in my field of life. There is my parent's paradigm of retirement, there is a paradigm of complete devotion to a cause, there is giving up on life completely, there is... ; let's just say infinite possibilities.

Expansion at this point means to take my freedom and expand beyond my parent's paradigm and move towards something different. Take the rare opportunity given to me (or some would say created by hard work, depending on your epistemological view) and expand it into something more.

My goal now is to detach myself from thinking of life as linear and observe it more as circular. My father was in the same position I am right now at some point in his life. He made his choices, which were all perfectly fine. It has circled back to me. In some ways I am in an even better place than my dad was. What will my choices be? If I choose the same as my dad it will truly be circular. Perhaps a helix is a better way to think of it.

Circling around yet not to the same spot. As threads in a screw. Almost as a strand of DNA. Goodness where is my mind taking me now. The beginning is never the same as the end, and yet we come back to a spot very close and start over.

Oh well, expand as a helix. Circle around and learn so we don't keep repeating life but advance it in a positive way. I like that a lot. Oh yeah, and live in the moment. And I forgot, don't take anything personally. And....

There a thousand axioms and theorems to live by. Try one, learn, come back, learn some more.

Love all