Sunday, May 6, 2012

Occupy Movement and Frustration

I will apologize ahead of time. This blog will be more of a stream of thought type thing that really won't be completely edited. So let the rambling begin.

First let me say that the Occupy movements have had a significant impact in reestablishing the need for the populace to speak their mind through free speech. It has been refreshing to see people with passion stating their minds so publicly.

That being said, I feel that the attack on specific businesses, primarily banks. to be missing the boat. Besides having no clear objective or answers many in the movement itself has varying opinions and viewpoints. This is not a concentrated effort and therefore for many mainstream Americans it loses validity.

I believe though that they have hit upon something I have been contemplating for years. What they are really looking for is human compassion in the way we deal with each other. The lack of compassion is something that is not inherent to our large banks but also is lacking in most of our businesses. What we should be attacking is how our economic system rewards businesses that make money at all costs without regard to human compassion.

A fundamental switch is needed in our global culture to reward businesses that are willing to "break even" instead of firing staff to make projected financial goals. We need to reward businesses for contributing to the well-being of nations.

In a way we need to have our businesses no matter the size become what we had years ago in our neighborhoods. Businesses that knew their neighbors and cut them a break when times were hard. We need our leaders in politics to get rid of the partisan bullshit and start working from compassion.

The reality is if all our decisions came from compassion for our fellow humans, we would make choices that would benefit all. And perhaps our concept of success would by nature change that way.

Unfortunately this is a large undertaking and not something that can happen by legislation. It has to happen within each of us. We need to treat each other, even those we disagree with, with compassion and understanding. We need to take the responsibility unto ourselves to live a life of compassion, not one of greed.

It will take many years, but if we start now, and start teaching and modeling for our children a life of compassion, we may have a chance to put leaders in place to slowly change our reality.

Connection to all of you.