Sunday, October 26, 2008

Not much to report

So I have been generally just working along, doing miscellaneous work along with my day to day. We went to a conference in Durango which was actually beneficial. The best part of this trip was Wolf Creek Pass. It is a very beautiful ride, as well as an amazing engineering feat. I pulled muscles in both my legs playing football this morning. Hopefully that pain won't last long. Overall it is just life in the SLV as normal. It was a beautiful sunrise this morning. The sky looked like it was on fire. These are not uncommon sunrises here. This place has a beauty to it that is hard to describe. My son is now in Japan for a year. It was hard not to be there to say goodbye, but at the same time was not that different than when he was at college. I am proud of the individuals both my children have become, and after seeing how some families exist around here, am constantly thankful for the wisdom and guidance my wife has provided for our family. So that's about it. Haven't heard from anyone in a while, so say hi if you want. Monday I start singing in a small group in Monte Vista that should be fun. Hope all is well in your life, and remember to wake up each morning and thank whoever you wish for the fact that you can open your eyes on one more glorious day, and be able to interact with people who love you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey BABY!!!!

Been thinking about you a lot, sorry I haven't called lately... I almost did the other day, when I had an old thing, I thought I was past creep up and bite me in the @$$... but I didn't want to call and just blubber on your shoulder... sigh... I'll ring ya up my next Kari-free night.

MWHA! miss YOU!



ps... are you back yet?! ;)