Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Non-Self Help Book

I can't believe I haven't posted for so long. 

Years ago I started writing a book called "The Non-Self Help Book".  The concept of the book was that you didn't need to follow all those self-help books which orchestrated a specific way to discover "happiness".  My point was you shouldn't feel bad if a particular approach doesn't work because we all need to find our own.

As I move forward on this journey I realize that in writing the book, I would of ironically created the very thing I warned about.  So I decided to summarize what the book was going to say here.

We all have the answers inside of us.  Books may show us different techniques, but ultimately the choice is ours.  Ask questions, dig into yourself and you will discover the truth that lies with in you.  Do not let the constructs you were brought up with and have lived with limit the potential inside.  This is truly "self" help.

Pretty simple.  I can't believe I thought I could write a whole book about that.  Of course the words are much easier than the deeds.  The work does take reading and discovery, finding words that help you find that which lies within.

But never be discouraged if you try a practice and it doesn't work.  It's why it's called practice.  Not all artists are good in everything.  There are musicians, artists, poets, etc.  Inside each of these there are specialties.  And the best of the best always took a while to find just the right voice for themselves. 

In the same way we discover the art within we are good at.  It helps us discover our true potential.  So have fun with the discovery.  And you will discover the basis of self-help is self. 

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