Constructs were developed to help us cope with the
unfathomable concept of the infinite. We
develop the constructs of society, rules, religion, science, math etc. It allows us to put our lives into nice boxes
that limits our view to what we can comprehend.
When we break the box we run the danger of insanity for we can’t really
comprehend what we see. But if we but
peek out we see that the world around us is built on false rules.
It can be difficult to live in a world once
we stop limiting ourselves. We see that
all thought is just that and existence is nothing more but a brief frame in
time in a movie that runs so fast the images cannot be seen.
The infinite is beyond our understanding and
yet throwing away the constraints that hide it creates a new reality in which
existence is but a bit of the infinite.
Infinite is timeless yet we insist on living in time. Infinite is incomprehensible yet we continue
to pretend we can know it. We define and
construct hiding the truth from ourselves.