Sunday, July 20, 2008

Two Weeks and Counting

What a unique experience to wake up Saturday morning and not have any thoughts about what to do on Monday. For the first time in I ages, I have no thoughts about anything to do with work. For the first time ever I have left a job with no animosity towards the company or the management. I have left because of a choice to do something different in my life. I don’t have the feeling of needing to prove myself in a new job, as I have not been selected because of my technical “expertise”. For once I can do something in my life where the expectations of and on myself are simply to do the best I can do. No proof required.

This is extremely liberating. Though I may be leaving family and friends for a year, the thrill of actually meeting new people daily, living outside of a cube and being able to look at things not in respect of how they impact my job but what it can teach me is unique for me.

I love where I am going, though I don’t know where that is. I love being able to see many different possibilities instead of how best to code a function. I love the chance to experience life differently. I love the fact that I exist in a world that gives us so many opportunities, though I have often been afraid to take them. I love the fact that I have made so many good friends in my life, and they all come with me in my heart in some way, shape, or form.

Thank God we are alive, capable of thinking, changing, creating, pursuing, and loving. Though it shouldn’t be, the world looks differently to me right now. Even during this time before I start at La Puente cleaning up the house and yard is more exhilarating. I see my old requirements of success melting away, and new paths ready to present themselves. I feel more peace in each moment. I may not know where I will end up, or if I will ever arrive, but I certainly will take more time along the path and enjoy each step.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Introspective and real; feeling the joy, anticipation, excitement, trepidation, anxiousness. As you said Wayne, thanks "we are alive, capable of thinking, changing, creating, pursuing, and loving."

Here's to your new paths, peace, taking more time along the way, and enjoy each step.