Monday, October 13, 2008

So I've Been Busy

Last week was our first week without our manager. We probably will get another come mid-November. Anyway I have been doing lots of data entry, and developed some simple, very poorly designed databases to allow for better collection of some data. It is hard building something that you know you have to make simple so people without any background in databases can maintain it. Pretty shabby stuff. Anyway, I meant to write more often, but just have been going with life, watching baseball, working, actually playing football (and my body reminds me often now that I really don't have my muscles in shape for that). I miss home at times, only for the warmth of my friends and family. It feels isolated out here. This area feels sad to me, and I am thankful that I have come here with such a great group of volunteers. Their presence takes away some of that edge, and their kindness towards each other is uplifting. I am trying to write something up on symptom vs. disease of things like homelessness and poverty. I am discouraged by both of our primary presidential candidates in that they really say very little new. When I hear change, I like to see 90 degree departures, not 5 degree variances. Hopefully once elected, whoever wins will show their true ideas instead of the sugar coated platitudes they throw out in speeches and debates. Hope all is well with you (whoever you may be) and remember to always be thankful for what you have, no matter how little it seems. And also remember that your most precious possession is your relationships with other, so cherish and nurture them. I read a great paragraph in The Brothers Karamozov (yes Galina, still reading) that I will share with you at a later date that speaks to the point of our relationship to each other and the importance of it. I love you all, and I understand that more each day.

1 comment:

FullaLove said...

Dad. I know you feel that both candidates are spouting out more of the same, but I really am curious if you put them both in the same boat. If so, I am quite concerned and you will hear long lectures from me on the telephone.

Also, my feelings towards Sarah Palin have grown from 'annoyed' to 'nauseatingly appalled'. My whole body tensed just as I wrote that sentence.

ALSO, I miss you a lot. Wish you were here.