Saturday, November 22, 2008

Just Saying Hi

It's been an interesting week. I have enjoyed getting out a bit more, and thoroughly enjoyed some wonderful conversations with new friends. Our Christmas concert is December 7th so there is much rehearsal for that. Work is the same old thing. I find ways to keep busy, people keep coming for assistance. My attitudes towards this has changed somewhat. I am still convinced that we don't do much more than enable people to continue to live in an unhealthy manner. As I said before there are those who really need the help, and really want to help themselves, and there are those who have come to take the assistance and work it into their annual budget. There isn't enough continuity in a volunteer organization, nor enough money, to track and help these people change. Not sure what the answer is.

That's it for now. Thanks for the responses on the truth question. I think Sheri did a fine job in categorizing truths, but I think my main point in bringing it up is the concept of relative truth. I do believe in an absolute truth, but our life is obscured with the relative ones. That is why we can never "know" an absolute truth but can certainly live within one if we recognize and live out of the love in our hearts, and not the relative truth of the mind. Love is the key that opens all doors. Love to you all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

You Can't Handle the Truth

Thanks for all your comments on the last blog. Obviously relationships trigger something within us, which probably speaks to how we all innately feel the connection between us all. On another note, I happened upon a book in our house called "The Fabric of Self - Meditations on Vanity and Love" by John McAfee. Though some of the writing is classic new-age, he had a great quote on absolute truth (that which we all seem to seek). Since this concept has come up in several conversations this week, I thought I would share the passage with you, and then give my personal reflection on this (don't I always?). John writes

"Is there an absolute truth, a fundamental reality that is capable of being perceived, or is all truth relative? If truth is relative then it is individualistic--something that is filtered through our individual prejudices and limited by our sense inputs--and it is therefore fragmentary, tainted, and incomplete. So can it be the truth? Something that is incomplete or twisted by our prejudices is obviously less than the truth. Yet all our knowledge, by definition, is fragmentary and tainted by bias. The known by its very nature is relative and therefore limited. So if an absolute truth exists, it must exist beyond the scope of knowledge."

He ends the book by saying:
"Must we forever struggle blindly in the field of our own and others' deceptions, or is there not some absolute truth, some reality that exists independent of our past conditioning, which can be discovered? I say unconditionally that there is, and that it is hidden in the mirror of our existing relationship to the world."

Well, that is a mouthful. This is how I interpret this for myself. At the start of my current journey, I believed I could seek and find the "truth". I read many books, and tried to find the one "true" path that would work for me. But for all I read and heard, this absolute truth was relative to the person telling it to me. Anything I discovered for myself was also tainted by my own biases and experiences. I am starting to realize now that I may never know the absolute truth, but I can see it and live in it without really knowing what it is. I believe it is beyond my scope of understanding. But by eliminating my past conditioning, by seeing the world through my heart, through others hearts, that I can live in a way that reflects this absolute truth. In a way, I can live the truth without ever knowing what it is. Of course this feels counter intuitive to my nature. I feel that I have always quested for answers, seeking that which is "right". I have, because of my background in computers, come to realize that at least in that field there is never a "right" answer. I now have to extend that learning to myself in terms of the absolute. It is incomprehensible, but it does exist. I know I can experience it without "knowing" it, much like seeing a beautiful sunrise without needing to understand all the scientific truths that make it so wonderful. I can revel in the fact that this absolute exists, and that it is reflected in everything around us. Does the real answer matter anymore? What matters is how we live and recognize the beauty in everything around us.

Thanks to my parents, who taught me how to enjoy reading, which in turn allows me to open my mind to ever more possibilities in my life. I see people around me who were never cared for, and never encouraged, and realize more each day how fortunate I have been in my life to have so many who cared.

I love you all.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Atomic Chemstry

So I have been thinking about relationships again, but more in from the standpoint of how it impacts who we are. It seems an obvious statement to say that everyone we meet has an impact on the person we are. Our parents, be they traditional or non, are obvious. People we work with, spouses, children, friends all have an impact on us. Of course we choose to learn as we will. I would argue that even people we pass in the street and just say good morning to can have an impact on us in ways we don't understand.
I started to think of it as this. As the world develops, atoms of different types (okay I won't go into exact science so no critiques on that from please) combine to create different substances. Some atoms naturally attract to each other, others tend to resist each other. But as they collect together, they form something unique. I believe that as we meet others, part of who they are, their atoms so to speak, join ours. This changes us, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. We are never the same person. This is how we grow as individuals. I also believe there are those whose "atoms" are more compatible and though we may only talk for 5 minutes, we feel more comfortable with this person than with someone we may have known a lifetime. With these people our atoms merge easily, and each time we see them we feel drawn to them.
As an individual, I am unique. But I can't deny the importance of ALL people in my life, regardless of how I feel about them personally. I can't deny the fact that my being is constantly changing, reacting to the people around me and carrying forward the atoms of those who I have been with in the past. I remember a high school substitute who taught me about empathy, I a grade school girl I had a crush on, I remember a high school bully who terrorized me and realize these fleeting relationships are something that makes me think and feel and act as me. We all share at a level we don't really understand, but need to be more accepting of the fact that we are all part of each other, and make each other who we are.
Peace dudes. Would appreciate a word or two back if you have any thoughts.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Flurry of Activity

This weekend I had an enjoyable time working at a haunted house. No Mercy General Hospital to be exact. Needless to say I lost my voice doing a maniacal laugh, and stayed up much too late to actually feel rested. But it was fun. I followed people around staring at them in a blank look sort of way. It did a good job of creeping people out. Also this weekend someone broke into our office and stole 3 computers. This after a few days earlier breaking into another La Puente office and stealing 2 computers and a monitor. The police officer also told me that this weekend a church was broken into and computers were stolen. Again perhaps a sign of our economic times. I suppose they figured the bank's computers were probably in hock!!! My wife also needed to take my daughter to the emergency ward. I won't go into details, but she is doing fine now and should be up and back to work within a few days at the most. So lots of things happened, and I assume lots more are happening. I continue to become acclimated, we did get a new (for us at least) stove since we were down to one burner. This allows actually for a bit more flexibility in meals as one can cook multiple things at once.
I guess life continues to show itself as an unpredictable force. We can try to make it smooth and easy, but it will do as it may. Our way only gets bumpy if we try to resist. I know for myself that I need to learn to ride the wave, shoot the curl in surfer terms (we in the midwest surf alot you know). I will only drown if I try to go against such a mighty force.
Love all. I miss seeing your smiling faces. Hope all is well.
p.s. check out the pictures in the folder labeled Migrant Workers on my picture site. They were taken by a volunteer Brandy West and is a good depiction of the migrant workers doing lettuce harvest. My fingers would be gone with those knives.