Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Okay So I Have Been Lazy

I am excited about being home, and my days have found kind of a routine swing to them. I actually am not thinking an inordinate amount and that is allowing me to enjoy my time here more. I signed up for the Alamosa Community Choir and that is really fun. The Mellotones rehersals are also starting up, so that takes care of Monday and Tuesday nights. I do have one request though. Please don't ask me what I am going to do come August. My official press release statement is as follows:

I don't know and I am not thinking about it. Que sera sera. I have faith that my path will become clear when it is appropriate.

Another little revelation for myself. I was trying to find other ways of helping this organization and in the process realized that much of my joy in any job comes from improving the organization and making it better, not necessarily in doing the work of the organization. Although it can be fulfilling to help individuals, it is even more fulfilling for me to give the organization even more possibilities than it thought it had. Guess I always felt that way for whatever company I worked for. Unfortunately in business institutions this is often looked on as making waves and trying to make a name for yourself.

Looking forward to being home in a week. See you then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WAYNE!!! you know I don't believe in media statements or following the "rules"!!

What are you going to do come August??? heh

