Saturday, March 5, 2011

Minor Illness

Have been battling for 3 weeks with a couple of different bugs that hit me at the same time. What amazes me is how an illness affects my life. I become More inward focused, less tolerant, and start questioning the quality of life.

Of course this illness lasted a long time and caused me to cut my trip to San Francisco short. Could hardly get out of bed for a week. But still, should one really resort to such a "poor me" attitude.

If makes me think about all those people who are really sick, the elderly who have no one to watch over them battling with aging, all those people who have to live with some disability every day.

How do they keep up hope? How do they look at life positively?

So of course thinking about this I again come back to my blessings. And a deep respect for people who can take a less than perfect health situation and give other people inspiration.

Individuals dealing with long term illness or disabilities have to have a viewpoint on life so much different than mine to cope. I run into a few discomforts for a week or two and complain. Why? Because I don't really see my life as good. There still is embedded in me that need for success. Somehow I am just not good enough.

But what garbage. My life is truly wonderful. Friends, family, health. Is there anything really more?

Yes there is. There is an internal peace that comes from knowing that no matter what goes on in our life, we are alive. That whatever the mystery of life, we are a part of it. We in ways unknown impact those around us every day. We in ways unknown impact ourselves.

I vow to not lose sight of life, its beauty and mystery. I will enjoy it as long as I am living.

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