Thursday, August 28, 2008

First Monthly Volunteer House Party

So each month one of the three houses has to host a theme party. I put up some pictures from our 80's party just held. As time goes on here I am feeling more and more comfortable. I will be teaching some beginning computer classes at another organization. Met a wonderful woman there. The journey's of some of these people is fascinating. I am feeling less and less that my journey isn't unique and I am not alone. I really am starting to enjoy the different dynamics also.
The group of individuals that came to La Puente with me are really pretty amazing. Though all the stories are different, they certainly have a confidence about them that I never experienced at that age. They all have questions and different quests, but somehow it is encouraging to know that the generation behind me has learned a lot of lessons much earlier than I.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're feeling more settled in.. sure miss you around here! I'm sure you're going to enjoy your time there more and more - I know I certainly am enjoying reading your posts, keep 'em coming! Mark

Anonymous said...

I recently received an interesting essay in the mail. Re: your reference to individual stories:

"..the functioning of life is occurring in every moment. Most of us need to practice to be able to see that this functioning is happening all the time and to live into the aliveness of every moment.

From the perspective of absolute truth, we don't evaluate, comment, or name the moment...It is how we see the moment that changes whether it is a moment of suffering or a moment of freedom."

As always, I am intrigued by how we describe our lives and our day to day experiences.

As I walked through the park this morning I had to ask myself why I was so fortunate when so many people around the world are not. Do their stories differ from mine?

On another note I watched I Heart Huckabees last night. It is a very funny movie about the pondering of existential thoughts.

P.S. The park is incredibly lush. It says hello.

She who holds down the fort

FullaLove said...

The generation behind you are quite a fascinating group of vastly intelligent individuals, aren't they?
I heard that they also happen to be incredibly attractive and boast wonderful personalities...