Thursday, August 7, 2008

The Stations of the Cross

2008-08-06 Today we went to see the Stations of the Cross in San Luis. If you don’t know about the Stations, please Google them before continuing. I will wait………………….

Good, you are back. Visiting the Stations course made me ponder for a meaning behind them, beyond those that we were taught as youngsters. I found a meaning for myself, likely written by many others, that I feel makes the Stations relevant to our world.

What do the stations mean to me? I believe Jesus is symbolic of man. We are all part of a greater whole, and Jesus symbolizes this connection perfectly. We are all God and all man, all connected to each other through the universe, yet all living as independent beings. As Jesus carried his burden to Golgotha, so we all carry burdens through life. And though we have others who want to help, there are many more that won’t. Ultimately it is up to us to shoulder these burdens. But what each station shows us is that each burden is but a moment in life that we pass through. The event itself is not as great as our reaction to it. Ultimately once we recognize this, recognize our connection to the universe, have faith that the universe will provide, we become free of seeing things as burdens and start living in the current moment. We become free to discover that we can pass through each moment in love rather than pain. This is the true freedom we can accomplish, freedom from the pain of our burdens.

Enjoy photos in the slide show. They are of the stations and of the Great Sand Dunes National Park. The photos do little justice to the beauty of the area. I won’t be able to post for a while as we are off on a retreat through Sunday. Hope all is well with you, and may your burdens turn into brief moments of insight into the universal mother.

1 comment:

ElationTalk said...

Thanks Wayne!! Your post reminded me of this:

Also helpful for one dealing with life's burdens, because, sometimes you just have to laugh and not take things too seriously!

Mwha! Tiina