Friday, November 7, 2008

Atomic Chemstry

So I have been thinking about relationships again, but more in from the standpoint of how it impacts who we are. It seems an obvious statement to say that everyone we meet has an impact on the person we are. Our parents, be they traditional or non, are obvious. People we work with, spouses, children, friends all have an impact on us. Of course we choose to learn as we will. I would argue that even people we pass in the street and just say good morning to can have an impact on us in ways we don't understand.
I started to think of it as this. As the world develops, atoms of different types (okay I won't go into exact science so no critiques on that from please) combine to create different substances. Some atoms naturally attract to each other, others tend to resist each other. But as they collect together, they form something unique. I believe that as we meet others, part of who they are, their atoms so to speak, join ours. This changes us, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. We are never the same person. This is how we grow as individuals. I also believe there are those whose "atoms" are more compatible and though we may only talk for 5 minutes, we feel more comfortable with this person than with someone we may have known a lifetime. With these people our atoms merge easily, and each time we see them we feel drawn to them.
As an individual, I am unique. But I can't deny the importance of ALL people in my life, regardless of how I feel about them personally. I can't deny the fact that my being is constantly changing, reacting to the people around me and carrying forward the atoms of those who I have been with in the past. I remember a high school substitute who taught me about empathy, I a grade school girl I had a crush on, I remember a high school bully who terrorized me and realize these fleeting relationships are something that makes me think and feel and act as me. We all share at a level we don't really understand, but need to be more accepting of the fact that we are all part of each other, and make each other who we are.
Peace dudes. Would appreciate a word or two back if you have any thoughts.


Anonymous said...

People(and/or their actions/influence)are viral! Sometimes you develop immunity, sometimes it kills you. And as we know (via Nitsche) if it doesn't kill you, it makes you stronger (like oreos! yaaaaah) Of course that would be in the negative.

Let me think on that more, for the positive... lately I've been in a negative lingering funky-@$$ SNIT about interpersonal relationships! ;)

FOR SURE... a simple smile or positive comment to a stranger, or from a stranger can be one of the sweetest, easiest things in the world...

MWHA! Tina

Anonymous said...

The unfortunate thing, I think, is that there are too many people in the world who are NOT affected this way. They are closed to influence from others, casual or otherwise.

I like your atomic analogy!


Wayne said...

Thing is I don't think anyone is immune, it's just how we pull the information together in ourselves. Sometimes that creates a great compound and sometimes not. The real question is how much capacity do we have to decide how we will pull that together.

Anonymous said...

What kind of connection we have with those we meet is not up to us. What is within our control is what we do with those connections. Do you walk away from those connections or nurture them?


Anonymous said...

So... as promised, in a more positive way, using the chemistry riff, it's about synergy, the sum of the parts is greater than the whole... or, er, did I get that one right??? NOT a science or chemistry major... but what happens when 2 people bring compatible parts together is an amazing thing... "others" can be a catalyst to our advancing and growing, what they bring to us, can make us bigger, better, stronger, more advanced... growth! But how often do we recognize it? How often do we appreciate and understand it?? Sadly, in our “me centric” society do we credit others for their influence and the gift they bring to us, thru that???

Guess WHO!?!?! Mwha!