Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Write in a While

Not much has happened so I haven't been writing much. I have been contemplating some of the feelings I have around my job. It is interesting to note that I feel very ineffectual in actually doing anything of substance towards the issues our organization faces daily.

My wife is coming to visit and that will be nice to experience a bit of home here in the valley. I pick her up tomorrow from Colorado Springs, and she will partake in the annual Christmas party here. Of course she will work, as the group I work with is in charge of much of the activity in the party. She also will be fortunate enough to work with the PALS program, some of the children who are organization serves.

So I will be quite busy over the weekend, and won't be paying much attention to the blog. Just wanted to say hi and wish you all a Merry Christmas if I don't write till then. I always talk about how blessed I feel, and that will never stop. I consider anyone who reads this blog a friend, and I feel very thankful for all of you. Love and lets pray for real peace on earth in our lifetimes.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Wayne! I was thinking about you today and decided to check your blog.
It is so nice for you to have your wife there this weekend. I hope you had a nice visit and a fun Christmas party!
Have a very merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I too was thinking about you and decided to check in with you and see how you are doing as Christmas approaches, Wayne.

I've been off work since before Thanksgiving with a partial knee replacement. I should be a much better competitor at the annual Britt's party with my new knee.

Being home doing PT day in and day out and not being able to drive has been isolating and it's true that it's only the people in your life that can make you feel connected, even for an introvert like me.

My daughter is now home for 9 days and I am savoring every second of it.

Merry Christmas Wayne to you and your wife,