Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Understanding?

A few days ago I posted a riddle that was presented to me. Today I think I discovered what it means to me. The odd thing is that it comes about because of the numerology thing on Facebook. Taking that led me to re-reading the numerology book that my friend Tina lent me.

I do have a problem with perfectionism. I tend to see the ideal, and get frustrated when I can't implement that ideal. This combined with my inability to see my own self-worth creates much anxiety. The book tells me to see the universal truth that all is perfect as is, and also to accept that nothing on earth is ever truly perfect. The best that can be achieved is excellence. This dichotomy explains my riddle to me.

I keep seeing the world the way I want it to be. This is the valley floor of beauty. It is my vision of the ideal of beauty (symbolising of course my vision of perfection). The mesa is the world as it is, not perfect, but perfect in it's place in the universal ideal.

I need to accept all things as perfect, including my own responses. This means I can choose to do things not acting out of guilt or anger but from out of love and respect for myself and others. This actually comes back to something I wrote many months ago about faith in the universe. The numerology book has a great quote that expresses this well.

"Perfect faith recognizes that our mind cannot know or assume what is for our highest good; this faith inspires us to appreciate the perfection of imperfection. Such a recognition opens doors to an expanded sense of life."

The word "expanded" is an interesting thing, for in a recent meditation as I was realizing that I had "let go" as previously asked to do, I heard the word "expand" as a direction to take for my next step. Funny but since then I have read many things using the word expand. Perhaps the universe does guide us if we have the courage to listen. It certainly led me today to a much deeper understanding of myself.

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