Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Few Tidbits

I have devised a way to get (steal) wireless internet in our neighborhood since the one strong signal we used to get is now WEP protected. I did a little Google search and discovered an easy way was to take an external wireless adaptor, put it in a make-shift radar dish (I used some aluminum foil but think I will try to find an old metal strainer to use) and it becomes a directional finder. I tripled the strength of the signal that was too weak to stay on consistently and it works pretty darn good. I am going to keep working on improving the "dish" and see what I can come up with. Nothing like a good challenge.

I need to take more time for me right now. I don't feel I am doing my job well, nor do I care, which for me is a new and strange feeling. I have to find more or different things to occupy my work time, and take my off time to relax, meditate, read, etc. I think I have been trying to distract myself in down time to compensate for work, and I need to reverse that. Make my work day distracting, and concentrate on the internal during down time.

My friend Michelle is sharing her creative writing assignments with me. I will be doing posts occasionally with some of these assignments, which will force me to write more. I will share the actual assignment on the post, so if you want to play along feel free.

Lastly, I found this picture on the web. I don't know how I feel about it. It evoked laughter, then wonder on where they would need a sign like this, then frustration over the thought that there some places very close to my house where it wouldn't hurt, then laughter again thinking of how some of us have performed at least one of these functions somewhere inappropriate. Peace out dogs, I love you all.

F.Y.I. Trahv is fine in Estonian so it's 10,000 big ones for violating the rule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have a bunch of Eesti Pank Krooni (Estonian Currency, from my visit there in 1997), so I got your back, if you decide to so violate and need Krooni to cover it!


