Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Lost my Stolen Internet

So I have been lucky in that my neighbor's wireless is unsecured. Unfortunately I haven't been able to connect for the last few weeks. I am hoping that he is on vacation and that a reboot of the router when he gets back will fix it. If not, I will have to figure out another way to get internet at home. Of course this has impacted my frequency of posting. I normally write when the spirit moves me, and now I would have to do it in word and email to myself so I could post at work. Not too bad, but does cramp the spur of the moment feel to the whole thing.

Anyway life has been good. I have settled into life here in the valley, and the way things work it has forced me to live more in the current moment. I do tend to have those moments when I start something, get side tracked, start something else, get side tracked, for perhaps 5 or 6 iterations before I realize that I really didn't get the initial task done yet. I believe this is a phenomenon of age, and if it gets worse as I get older I worry about ever accomplishing anything. The advantage of this is that I will have lots of unfinished tasks so if I remember one that I had started, it won't take as long to finish.

I have been doing lots of miscellaneous things around the La Puente family of services. It is good to see what each group does, contributing to the community in a variety of ways. The organization does a lot of good things in the valley.

Hope you are all well and happy, survived the holidays, and are looking forward to the new year. Peace and love to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Getting side tracked is a sign of maturity.
Our brains try to tell us that it
REALLY DOESN'T MATTER if the task was completed.
A NEW task is more exciting than the old one. I'm opening a tasking