Monday, March 9, 2009

Where Am I Going?

If someone could once answer that definitively for me it would be great. I have pretty much given up on the notion of a destination, and have been finding that the journey is becoming more fun. I have been given some more challenges at work, and will likely discover much more about myself in the process. I do know now that I love working to make an organization better (have I said that) much more than I like doing the front line stuff.

It is fun to challenge the way things have always been done, and make processes more efficient in order to better serve the customer. The customer in this case is whoever your business or organization is supposed to service. Makes no difference what business for me, I love trying to make things work better.

So it will be fun to start working with the coffee house and other projects within the umbrella of La Puente. I don't believe changes will be drastic, but I do believe now that maybe I can have some impact before I leave.

Yes, leave. I am not sure if I will extend here for a bit more time or not. It depends on where I get to in terms of what I am doing. I would never give up on something halfway through. But even though my last post may have sounded like I would stay here indefinitely, I certainly will leave here as I see more and more potential in myself and things I can accomplish.

So for now, I guess I don't really need to know where I am going because I am already somewhere. I don't want to trip over the roots in front of me because I can only see the horizon. I am starting to amble a little slower, happy looking up, down, all around taking in the sights at this point in my journey. I am sure the terrain will change, and cause me to adjust, but the only way I can adjust is to notice the current conditions.

Love all. Anytime I feel down now, I think about how blessed (have I written that enough) I have been for all the people who have brought me to this point. I have a meditation CD that has one sentence in it. "Love is the answer."


Anonymous said...

Pithy and cliche, but perhaps appropriate for once: Wherever you go... there you are.

FullaLove said...

Maybe you should go where the people who love you are next time. Maybe you should help them in their life journey's while you are traveling along on yours.

I say this only because sometimes to do what you need to do and find what you need to find, you hold other people back in the process. We all need to move forward together dad, you're not the only one playing the game of life.

I say this without anger, but with love. You are part of a greater whole, because you are a part of a family.