Saturday, January 24, 2009

First Assignment

I thought you all might enjoy trying this one. I have never really done anything quite like this in my schooling. I remember my creative writing class in high school. I wrote an epic about monsters from space trying to take over the world and only being able to kill them by throwing peanut butter on them. So needless to say it is difficult for me to expand writing in this way. I promise not to share all of Michelle’s assignments with you, but thought this one was fun for all if not to write but to think about.

1) Write 25 words you like and dislike on cards (this is harder than one thinks).
25 words I like
empathy finger really darn wowsers
seriously piƱata perception funky technically
sunshine banana behooves asparagus Uranus
peace reality flush odor foul
nature spring fall growth why

25 words I dislike
right wrong should like quiet
smart change prick comb attitude
past know intention manager restriction
booger beat march obey impossible
sudoku poop wind chill can do glop

2) Pick 5 words, at least 2 you don’t like, and write a 5 line poem, one word for each line.
Empathy allows us to feel the way
It behooves us to pay attention to flow
There is no wrong
No other we must obey
We must smell the odor of intuition

3) Take the abstract words LOVE and BEAUTIFUL and make them concrete. What are the first things that come to your mind when you hear these words.

Love is a tree with huge branches reaching out and long roots going down. It ebbs and flows with the seasons, and may look dead at times, but always has sap, its life blood, flowing through the roots, branches, trunk waiting for the next season to arrive.

Beautiful is a brook with the sunlight glistening off the water as it flows over rocks. The appearance can constantly change, leaves, branches can obstruct the flow. Logs may fall in creating new ponds and water routes. But the beautiful water is always there.

4) Write a poem of any length, any style with no rhyming.

Birds chirping
Wind blowing
Sun behind clouds
We see the signs of nature around us
Organic, changing, yet staying the same
And ignore the nature inside us
Thinking we can make ourselves
Beyond nature
Like a building tall against the sky
Standing strong against the elements
Until the wrecking ball comes
To make way for a parking lot
Or a better, taller, stronger building
Would we be better off being a tree
Swaying with the wind
Losing branches that are weak
Conserving energy when seasons change
Providing a peaceful place in the world


FullaLove said...

Dear Dad,

Oh my god, that handle bar mustache is amazing! It doesn't even look like you! Your face looks 47% Also dad, poop has to be one of the best words in the world. I think I actually took time to write a blog about how hilarious that word is. Trying saying it without giggling, I dare you. Poop. Poop poop poop.

Man, no wonder nobody takes me seriously.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Wayne! you are wasting away... come home... some one around here will feed you, I am sure!



and fart is almost as good as poop, just sayin'

Anonymous said...

Wayne - nice work! I can tell you didn't judge yourself, which is great. I agree with Sarah that poop has got to be one of the best words in the world. Why else would children and grown men alike be so fixated on the p-word? Here's a new assignment. I was actually dreading this, but I actually had an easy time with it. Try it ... 20 new names for yourself. Here are mine ...

20 New Names

My real name is Michelle Lynne Le Blanc
Yesterday my name was Mishka
Today he remembers it as Misha, maybe that’s how he always thought of me
Tomorrow my name will be Better instead of just Fine
In my dream my name is soaring beyond the mundane
The Hell that resides inside of Michelle along
with sorrow sopped up in tears and
fear and overcome by the unknown
My mother thinks my name is mommy for herself, my father and brothers
when it’s really let me be so I can fly free
Wiggling rhythm woman
Gyration machine of bodacious booty queens
So, so serious and oh so funny
Giggling and can’t stop
Like I’m a teenager or tween
More often than I like my name is critic, self-imposed exile
Lecturer on life I know very little about
Preacher of poetry
Tongue and time twister

So ... there you go. Try it, you'll like it!